Mission Statement:
To provide the same quality service that has been expected for over 60 years.
Small Engine Repairs

All equipment that we use have some kind of Engine attached to it. Regardless if the Engine is powered by fuel, battery or electricity, the motor is what powers the equipment. This page is a small listing of some of the engines that we repair and offer services on.
Looking for a part for your small engine? Check out or Parts Look-Up and Sales Page to see if we have the part in-stock or have access to ordering.
If you have a small engine that is not listed on this page, please Contact-Us and see if we are able to assist you. It is impossible for us to be able to list every type of engine that is out there on the market.
Self Repair Tip:
With the elevation that Colorado has along with the different polution laws in place,unleaded fuel goes bad within 30 days. f you are not going to use your equipment within the next 30 days, it is highly recommended that you empty the fuel out of the gas tank and then run the equipment until it completely runs out of of fuel. We will be more than happy to explain this to you in person if you would like us to!
Check out our Parts Look-Up and Sales Page to see if we have the part you are looking for. We have a vast array of parts in stock along with the ability to order the parts you may need and/or want. We also have access to parts that are obsolete that is no longer available to the general public. Give us a try, you will not regret it!
It is in impossible for us to list every part that we have in stock or may have access to ordering. Please Contact-Us and ask us if we have the part or if we can order it in.We have been in the business for 60+ years, you would be surprised on what parts we have the access to!
Some of the Small Engine Brands that we work on
Briggs & Stratton / Briggs and Stratton


Kohler Engines

Subaru Small Engines / Robin Small Engines

LCT Engines / Liquid Combustion Technology

Kawasaki Engines

Honda Power Equipment / Honda Engines